This morning the only goal I had for this space was to clean it up. I wish I would have taken a before shot too. My husband looked over my shoulder as I was writing this and said "You know honey if I couldn't turn around and look I wouldn't think it was my house." I had to chuckle because I felt the same way. It has been overflowing with the boys' toys and books for weeks. I have a habit of moving things from one pile to the next, starting a project and leaving it half done for months or in some cases years...I have been working on changing my ways so today I hauled everything out, cleaned, and then started hauling stuff back in. I raided other rooms, the barn where mom and I have been stashing the things we have collected this summer. On the hunt for things to fill my space...this was the result and I love it :) I'm looking forward to adding to it here and there. I want to make the rug for in here, something I can do with my mom, and soon! This is a old house and winter is around the corner. I'm looking forward to sitting in my old broken down chair with a cup of coffee, a knitting project or curled up with my blanket and a good book...
Hey, how did I miss this post?!? It is a good one ;D And, don't sell yourself short - you have tons more ambition than I do!